
The Era of Social Commerce: Side Hustles as the New Norm


As economic conditions change and the cost of living continues to rise, many households are feeling the pressure. To cope with increasing expenses, more and more people are seeking additional income sources, making side hustles an increasingly popular option. In this era of social commerce, people are not only supplementing their household income through side businesses but also turning their passion for certain products into profitable ventures.

Rising Costs and the Side Hustles Trend

In recent years, global economic fluctuations have led to significant inflation, driving up the cost of living. Expenses for food, rent, education, and other daily necessities have soared, putting immense financial pressure on many families. In this reality, relying on a single income stream is no longer sufficient, and side hustles have become a go-to solution for people looking to ease their financial burdens.

Side hustles are not just about making extra money; they also offer a way for individuals to find personal fulfilment and achieve their aspirations. For many, a side hustle is not merely a way to earn some extra cash but an opportunity to explore interests and unlock potential. In the era of social commerce, the barriers to starting a business are significantly lower, allowing anyone to turn their passion into a source of income through online platforms.

The Power of Belief and Passion

Beyond financial necessity, emotional connection and passion are also driving people to join the world of social commerce. Many individuals, inspired by their love for a particular product or brand, decide to promote and sell it as a side business. For instance, a consumer who is passionate about organic skincare might experience great results and resonate deeply with the brand’s values. This connection might inspire them to become an agent for the brand, allowing them to not only enjoy discounts but also earn money by sharing and promoting the products.

This sense of belief and passion not only boosts the agent’s confidence in the product but also makes it easier for them to convince others to purchase and use it. Their recommendations are not just motivated by financial gain but are rooted in genuine appreciation and trust in the product. This emotional resonance can be powerful in the sales process, often leading to higher conversion rates.

Social Commerce: A Low-Barrier Opportunity for Entrepreneurship

The rise of social commerce has provided a low-barrier, high-reward opportunity for entrepreneurship. Through social media and mobile internet, almost anyone can promote products within their social circles without the need for a physical store or significant capital investment.

In this era of social commerce, many companies are choosing to rapidly expand their market reach through agent networks. These agents promote products via their social media platforms, creating vast distribution networks. This model not only helps companies quickly penetrate the market but also provides agents with flexible entrepreneurial opportunities.

However, as the number of agents grows, companies face increasing management challenges. Recruiting agents, managing orders, calculating commissions, and other tasks become cumbersome and complex. Particularly as agent networks expand, traditional manual management methods prove inefficient and prone to errors.

Weitizen: The Intelligent Dealers Management System

As the number of agents continues to grow, companies must find effective ways to manage these agents’ orders, commissions, and related financial tasks. This is where a robust system becomes essential to simplify these complex processes.

The Weitizen Dealership E-commerce System offers a comprehensive solution for managing agents. With Weitizen, companies can easily handle large volumes of agent orders, commission settlements, and other tasks without relying on traditional manual processes. Here are a few key ways Weitizen helps companies overcome agent management challenges:

1. Automated Order and Commission Processing

Weitizen can automatically process agent orders and calculate commissions. When an agent completes a sale, the system automatically generates the relevant order data and calculates the commission owed based on preset rates. This eliminates the need for Admin and accounting staff to manually record and calculate data, greatly improving efficiency and reducing the potential for human error.

2. Multi-Level Dealers Management

Weitizen supports multi-level agent management, allowing companies to easily set up different levels of agents and track and manage their sales performance. The system automatically generates detailed sales reports, helping companies quickly understand the performance of agents at all levels and providing valuable data for developing marketing strategies.

3. Streamlined Financial Management

Through the Weitizen system, companies can achieve streamlined financial management. The system handles commission settlements, payment records, and generates clear financial reports, helping companies manage complex financial tasks with ease and efficiency.


In an era of rising costs and social commerce, side hustles have become a new choice for many. Whether to supplement household income or out of a love for a particular product, more and more people are joining the world of social commerce. However, as the number of agents increases, companies face growing management challenges. With the Weitizen Agent E-commerce System, companies can effectively streamline the management of their agents, allowing them to focus on business expansion and brand promotion without being bogged down by repetitive administrative and financial tasks.

Weitizen not only helps companies efficiently manage their agents but also provides robust technical support for long-term business development. In this era where everyone can be an entrepreneur, Weitizen will help companies achieve a more relaxed and efficient agent management model.